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Video Big Data Application Platform

Megvii’s video big data platform based on neural network machine learning and big data technology. Through the analysis of multidimensional data such as people, cars, and objects in videos, pictures, and events, it can analyze trajectories, labels and the relationship between people and objects. This system is widely used in positioning suspects, conducting early warnings on key population and places to extract the deep value of data, and serving the public security.


Holographic Achieve
Through the data analysis and in-depth mining of the big data platform, the human-centered display includes a full range of archival information such as major social relationships, assets, peers, MAC&IMEI, etc., which provides rich data associations for the police.

Fuzzy Search
Fuzzy search of all data types supports the attributes and image retrieval faces, human bodies and vehicles, the results show all the relevant information of the target. Including basic information (human static port information, vehicle registration information), dynamic information (passers, passing car), file information (Linking one file per person, one file per car), and the results of the relationship of all information files.

Data Monitoring
Access monitoring: face data, portrait data, vehicle system data, from the police and business systems;
Operational monitoring: real-time monitoring and display of the operating status of systems that provide data;
Data resource monitoring: The system can monitor the local raw data and result data and the third-party system data that can be called remotely.


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